2nd ICA Regional Campus/Youth Co-operatives Seminar

Mr. Kisaburo Okayasu
Chair, ICA Consumer Sub-committee on University/College Co-operatives for Asia and the Pacific
Vice president, the National Federation of University Co-operative Associations in Japan (NFUCA)

My former positions;
1985-1998 Managing Director of the NFUCA
1985 Transfer to the NFUCA from UT Co-op.
1979-1985 Managing Director of UT Co-op.
1978-1979 General Store Manager, Komaba (con.)
1976-1979 Executive Director of UT Co-op.
1975-1976 Book Store Manager, Hongo Campus
1975-1976 (Chairman, Labor Union of UT Co-op.)
1974-1975 Book Store Manager, Komaba Campus
1973 Entrance into UT Co-op. Book Store
1973 Graduation from UT (B. Eng.)
1966 Entrance into the University of Tokyo


1. Image of Co-operative Leader in the Present and the Future

2. "Future is Ours"

3. Conclusion

2nd ICA Regional Campus/Youth Co-operatives Seminar for Asia and the Pacific
April 15-18, 1999, INNOTECH, Quezon, the Philippines


April 16, 1999, INNOTECH

1. Image of Co-operative Leader in the Present and the Future

1-1. Youth who has deep concerns for community, society and economy
1-2. Youth who believes firmly the way of co-operation
1-3. Youth who is ready to learn any time, everywhere
1-4. Youth who likes to join others in activities

1-1. Youth who has deep concerns for community, society and economy

a) Community level; residence base, working base and learning base
b) Province level and Nation level
c) Region level and World level

"A co-operative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically controlled enterprises." (Definition of co-operative, ICA 1995)

1-2. Youth who believes firmly the way of co-operation

a) self-help, self responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity
b) honesty, openness, social responsibility, and caring for others
c) the principles of co-operatives

1-3. Youth who is ready to learn any time, everywhere

a) A desire to improve oneself
b) Knowledge and practice
c) Collaborate learning

1-4. Youth who likes to join others in activities

a) 100 persons' one-step forward rather than one's 100-steps forward
b) As an information editor through team activity
c) Sense, context and cheering-transaction

2. "Future is Ours"

2-1. Era of Co-operation
2-2. Co-operative Youth in the World
2-3. Shared Vision for 21th Century

2-1. Era of Co-operation

- Economic activities for meeting needs
- Participatory democracy
- Human resource mobilization/development
- Social responsibility
- National and international co-operation
( quoted from "Co-operative values in a changing world", Oct. 28, 1992, 30th ICA Congress, Tokyo, Japan )

2-2. Co-operative Youth in the World

Youth Manifesto on the Threshold of the XXI Century, Result of the Preparatory Continental Conference of Youth Coopers, Mexico City, 19-21 November, 1997
" The Third Millennium is Ours "

The Canadian Co-operative Youth Network (CCYN) was formed at the Canadian Co-operative Association's (CCA's) 1994 Youth Congress. The young people recognized a need for ongoing communications among co-operative youth.

2-3. Shared Vision for the future

Changing over from "command-driven organization" to "vision-driven organization" is a vital issue.

Without shared vision, there is no Participatory democracy.
The most effective learning is through participation in the community of practice.

3. Conclusion

Leadership is not limited to the chairman. Leaders exist at all levels of the organization.
Leaders are made, not born. Leadership is a mixture of skills, attitude, will and motivation. To become a leader, you must want it, work on it. It requires much effort to get there and to remain there.

Managing is an assignment -- a job. A manager who is not a leader manages by title only. A leader-manager inspires people, says an example, and builds trust.
Leaders filter ideas, evaluate situations, seize opportunities -- always using sound judgment.