This is a documentary film recording the "struggle (disturbance) at The University of Tokyo (UTokyo)," speaking briefly "TODAI TOSO" or "UTokyo Struggle" from 1968 to 1969. At that time, back then, I was a student at UTokyo.

"TODAI TOSO" makes many Japanese people impressions or images that are the battle between police force and protesting students at YASUDA KODO building ("YASUDA KODO BATTLE"), the discontinuance of entrance examination, and so on.

The essence of "UTokyo Struggle" was not the above images. The government as well as mass medias at that time manipulated people and public opinion.
Basically its root cause was the Authority's unjust expulsions from The medical school of UTokyo.
It is fatally important that The end of "UTokyo Struggle" was based on reaching the agreement between the students and the university authority rather than on result of "YASUDA KODO BATTLE," protesting students were cleared away from there.

There is a Documentary Film: "Burning Angry Fire"(16mmFilm)
It is an over fifty-year-old film.

Producted by The All Japan Confederation of Students Councils or ZENGAKUREN.

Menbers of Executive Committee;
The All Japan Federation of Domitory Students Councils or ZENRYOREN.
The National Federarion of University Co-operative Assosiations, or NFUCA.
National Conference of UTAGOE (singing voices).
The Students Council of the Faculty of Education, UTokyo.
The Students Council of the Faculty of Science, UTokyo.
The Students Council of the Faculty of Agriculture, UTokyo.
The Students Council of the Faculty of Law, UTokyo.
The Students Council of the Faculty of Medicine, UTokyo.
The Students Council of the Nursing School attached to the Faculty of Medicine, UTokyo.
The Chorus of Utokyo "ARAGUSA". (Weeds)
The Graduate Studens Society, UTokyo.
The University of Tokyo Faculty and Staff Union.
The Consumers Co-operative of the University of Tokyo, or UTokyo CO-OP.
The Trade Union of UTokyo CO-OP.
The Trade Union of KOJINKAI.
The Japan Cinema Recovery Conference
The Documentary Film Authors Society.
The Youth Orchestra.